En pos de la teoría de punta

Verbo To Have


Verbo que traduce haber y tener que (entendido a modo de obligación externa), muy frecuentente utilizado en inglés toda vez que cumple varias funciones. Como verbo principal, como verbo auxiliar para hacer el modo perfecto en sus tiempos perfectos (presente, pasado, futuro, condicional), como verbo para la construcción de frases posesivas y como parte de un verbo compuesto :


Maybe they have cars = Quizá ellos tengan carros

You have a great deal for She = Ustedes tienen una gran estimación por Ella

Why do you have to leave today? = ¿Por qué Usted tiene que salir hoy ?

I have a gray book = Tengo un libro gris


Indicativo Verbo To Have
Presente Pasado Futuro?
I have = tengo I had = tuve I will have = tendré
You have = tienes You had = tuviste You will have = tendrás
He has = tiene He had = tuvo He will have = tendrá
She has = tiene She had = tuvo She will have = tendrá
It has = tiene It had = tuvo It will have = tendrá
We have = tenemos We had = tuvimos We will have = tendremos
You have = tienen You had = tuvisteis You will have = tendréis
They have = tienen They had = tuvieron They will have = tendrán


She had a baby = Ella tuvo un bebé

I had written = Yo había escrito

Four Arabs have confessed to the crime of Iraqi Shiite leader, Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim = 4 árabes han confesado el crimen del Shiita lider Iraquí, ayatola Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim

Did you have to go to school? = ¿Tuvo usted que ir a la escuela?

We have eaten = Nosotros hemos comido

I have written = he escrito

I had loved = Yo había amado

I do not have to see the teacher = Yo no tengo que ver al profesor

The gates of the mosque were shuttered and guarded by dozens of Iraqi police = Las puertas de la mezquita fueron cerradas y custodiadas por docenas de policias Iraquís

I have to work today = Yo tengo que trabajar hoy


Perfecto Verbo Have
Presente Pasado Futuro
I have had = he tenido I had had = hube tenido I will have had = habré tenido
you have had = has tenido you had had = hubiste tenido you will have had = habrás tenido
he has had = ha tenido he had had = hubo tenido he will have had = habrá tenido
she has had = ha tenido she had had = hubo tenido she will have had = habrá tenido
it has had = ha tenido it had had = hubo tenido it will have had = habrá tenido
we have had = hemos tenido we had had = habimos tenido we will have had = habremos tenido
you have had = habéis tenido you had had = habeis tenido you will have had = habréis tenido
they have had = han tenido they had had = hubieron tenido they will have had = habrán tenido


Flags have been flying at half-mast at United Nations offices = Las banderas han sido izadas a media hasta en las oficinas de las Naciones Unidas

Have you been in Cuba? = Tú has vivido en Cuba?

They have not asked = Ellos no han preguntado

Will you have arrived? = Ud habrá llegado ?

I will have sung = Yo habré cantado

We have eaten a lot = Nosotros hemos comido mucho

We have frequently been in Rome = Nosotros hemos estado frecuentemente en Roma

There have been many films = Ha habido muchas películas

Marina has swept the floor today = Marina ha barrido el piso hoy


La ubicación de have en las frases está dada según la estructura:

Para el modo presente simple :

Sujeto + Have + Verbo en infinitivo (acompañado de to)

Para el modo pasado simple :

Sujeto + Had + Verbo en infinitivo (acompañado de to)

Para el modo futuro simple :

Sujeto + Verbo Auxiliar will + Have + Verbo en infinitivo (acompañado de to)

Para el modo presente continuo :

Sujeto + Verbo Auxiliar BE (is/are)+ Having + Verbo en infinitivo (acompañado de to)

Para el futuro perfecto continuo :

Sujeto + Verbo Auxiliar WILL + verbo auxiliar HAVE + Verbo auxiliar BE + Verbo principal